Mabs Drawlloween and Season of the Bad Guys Club, day 20: Giant Monsters/Kaiju Creep
Pen and marker on paper

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Minnie decided to do the pumpkin portrait trend while being basic with her spiced latte 🎃☕

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3. Fairytale
I recently came up with a strange fairytale 💔
I'll tell you a little later💫

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Day 16 “mythological” deep in the marinara sea lives the pizza mermaid. Head a slice of pepperoni, body ham and pineapple!🍕#mabsdrawlloweenclub

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I always think of a certain little min-pin when I think of Cerberus but I decided not to draw her this year 😂

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Okay, I hadn't seen this prompt before I did the Talbain one! It's only appropriate to do B.B. Hood (Bulleta), who was inspired by Little Red Riding Hood 🍎

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The hauntingly beautiful Catherine Deneuve in Peau d'âne for yesterday’s prompt, fairy tale.

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AaaAAAAaAAH solo uno más y ya llego a la mitad!!

Dia 13: Laguna (El cuero)
Dia 14: Yokai (Gashadokuro)
Dia 15: Cuento de hadas (El flautista de Hamelin)

Lejos con el que estoy mas feliz es el skellington gigante

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[Ambos desconfiaban de aquella mujer, pero al final del día, en quienes más confiaban los habían abandonado]

Day 15: Faity Tales

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[私は 美しいんだ?]
Kuchisake-onna pregunta si es hermosa, si me dices que no morirás, y si dices que si... Bueno, también

Day 14: Yokai

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[Saga siempre tendrá la solución a todos tus problemas, el cómo, el cuánto y el de qué, será riesgo tuyo]

Day 12: Poison

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