Mask off.
(It’s been hard to think of anything to draw recently, and I’ve realised that’s because I’m bored of drawing for posting, as opposed to drawing for the sake of drawing. I’m trying my best to step back.)

8 142

“No mourners, No funerals.”

(Been reading the Six of Crows duology and already have fallen in love with the characters.)

14 118

When the grey rains pass, the flowers bloom brighter.

20 157

Every Man Jackie.

(Didn’t have time to draw something for JBM’s b’day, so here’s some oldies that I’m still pretty happy about.) :)

56 493

“Empty Head.”

(A quick recollection of some sketches in the past. Most of these sketches were drawn on days where I’ve got so many thoughts being juggled by my anxiety that it stops me from doing anything productive, making me look ‘aloof’ to others.)

23 142

It takes two... and a fuzzy friend.

(Watching and stream It Takes Two has been uplifting these past few stressful days, so I decided to sketch something.) :)

119 2900

(Decided to repost some of my older ‘recent’ pieces together, for those who’ve missed them. This ones’ theme is circular backgrounds.)

13 142

Lake-side lovers.
(Lil’ Valentine’s Day sketch of Peny and Morwyn.)

21 186

“You are my creator, but I am your master!”
(Been reading Frankenstein recently.)

17 173

Lost footage.

(An OC of mine, Avis, is a character I’ve not really drawn that much since I write about them more than draw them. Needless to say, they’re into the supernatural.)

21 199

“Uh oh!”
(The Puppet History ‘lore’ sure is a fun one.)

27 210

(Not sure what these doodles are, but hey, here they are.)

11 124

Green ghosties!
(Not done many chibi doodles in a long while, but Among Us Hide & Seek was too funny not to doodle.) :)

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