Zuchin, member of a saiyan subspecies that evolved on the near-uninhabitable Planet Zoreii, he was the result of many generations of eugenics to create a warrior of folklore with absolute control over absolute power.

His ultimate goal is to conquer fate itself.

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This is my Frieza-race Vulkanis from U2. Exiled by his people for trying to reform the Empire, he returned after uniting the unexplored region of their universe and seized power. He does not rule by fear, but order and law. These are his forms 1, 3, 4 and 5

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Heck yeah, I'll show off my Gimo~
He was grown by a Frost demon named Korudo using DNA from Saiyan's like Goku, Vegeta, Broly and any other Saiyan's that was found, seeing a need for a Saiyan elite squad but Gimo had a strong hatred for killing and hurting innocents

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Behold, Braksiks Deimos Velnari. A former doctor turned into mad immortal Saiyan. He was oprhaned pretty early in his life, and is actually a bastard child, but his parents remain a mystery to even himself. Joined the Saiyan military at age 18--

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My entry: Seravee Lunasilga

Wife of the mighty Soburasada and goddess of destruction of the planet harmonus. A goofy, yet kind hearted Saiyan woman who opened the heart of the herajin queen and made sure they live happily.

Together they are a literal tag-team

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Worth a shot anyways

Oturan here is a Saiyan who was responsible for Dr. Gero's works to kill Goku. She's about a year younger than Gohan before he trains with Goku at the Time Chamber to join the Cell Games. In her 20s, she joined the idol industry to support Gohan.

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My toss up for … My Herajin Kabano. A mercenary sort who ‘plays’ at Robin Hood to gain favor but his motivations are not exactly pure.

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Here's my OC Vexus. He's an extremely powerful foe with a tragic backstory. He's egotistical, arrogant, and prideful whilst never backing down from a challenge. He'll devour anyone he sees as prey or much worse.

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This is my oc Lin the last human survivor of her universe. Born in a clan of warriors but due to the fear of her elders she was exiled and was forced into cruel experiments when she was abandoned that turned her into a rage filled human that broke the limit barrier.

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My entry for Atzuma, he is a clone of broly and grew up on an alien world as a gladiator before eventually breaking free from his masters and liberating the planet from the demons that ruled it by joining forces with a viking themed clan of demon hunters.

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Part of hosted by here is Boreal my OC, a blind pacifistic Frost demon. He has the ability to manipulate ice in any form. His personality is the complete opposite of frieza, being completely selfless and wanting to do good.

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Reposting these two to fill my gap in content.
We got Kaia (Wrathful Dahlia Form), Kaia (Base Form), Nazu (Dawning Light Form), and Kaiza (Their fusion mixing the two forms, Dawning Dahlia) More below.

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have I introduced you to Ninazu yet? a human/Ankian hybrid, she's a gifted and skilled healer due to her heritage. a kind-hearted girl with a bit of a stubborn streak, she wants nothing more than to protect her friends with abilities she's still learning how to master.

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Alyona Kristovich is the ice mage in training on Peter's team. She is a timid and fearful girl, afraid of her own shadow and powers. Her wild magic spins out of control so often that Peter has to constantly be present to help prevent power surges.

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Danny Tremain is the younger brother to Peter, being brought onto the team as a trainee. Without any special powers, he was outfitted with a special taser suit that operates on kinetic energy. He's a clumsy and unlucky underdog with a heart of gold.

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Bruce Kissaragi is a half elvish shinobi, acting as the wild card of the team. With his natural agility and affinity to fire magic and stealth, he'd be the best in the team if he wasn't constantly showing off and flirting with girls. Miranda usually keeps him in line.

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Lucas Crossworthy is an outlier like Peter. His powerful telekinesis doesn't register as magic, enabling him to exercise his power without detection. Luke is a loner and a rebel, refusing to listen to Peter at all. His sunglasses shock his brain if he loses control.

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Miranda Malone is a half merperson and second in command to Peter. She acts as the big sister of the team, helping everyone get along. With the social skills Peter lacks, she is oft a spokesperson for the team. Her gauntlets shoot pressurized water at her foes.

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This here is Dispatch. His parents were offed during a mission at a young age, like many other Saiyans, and over the course of the next ten years, he became very close with the squad he was assigned to. (cont.)

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