is the next big thing in my opinion, I did PFPs with based on oodles, coolcats and mayc. But nowadays I prepare my physical collection for galleries based on my own art. for and for eth

0 1

GM GM and Happy Mutant Monday!
I am starting to like those flies... hope you like them too 🧡
When fully animated?

6 27

The day has come. When I pulled the trigger. Didn’t pull the trigger at 30eth BAYC. I shall not do the same again. Pulling the trigger on this beautiful mayc. Can’t believe this bad boy was so close to floor! 21.95eth.

The colour, the number 😮‍💨
Stars aligned

26 102

In the spirit of SXSW I decided to do a little drinking.
Welcome to the world my new MAYC.

2 269

Right, I think I am really bad at building sneak peek anticipation...
I could not resist and got my first M2 completed I hope you enjoy it 🧡
The animated Ape fam is growing!

0 8

Biggest purchase to date.

More than my MAYC.

I flipped my OG WoW to buy my MAYC and I flipped my FLUF to buy this WoW.

Big love for all of these communities - interact for a follow back

Is a thing?

28 498

Yep, finally did it. The most unique Black Suit in all MAYC. Been dreaming of this guy since mint.

After a long four months, here we are. Welcome to the fam, ya trippy grail!

54 1243

meet my New year gift to my Instead of following his father's footsteps of being a sushi chef, he decide to work for a fast food chain. Kids!! 🤦‍♂️🤷‍♂️

28 79

has entered the Next piece in my Hiphop❤️crypto series dropping soon…#nft

0 2

I vibe with that's art is from ; deals with art history and great art from a great artist. brought to you by are very cool lead by a great person. by and have huge potential and

11 24

made me a dope honorary based off my MAYC.

29 114

Hands down Cleanest Zombie MAYC. Could even be cleanest zombie across all collection.

Look at the eye color matching 1:1 with the baby zombie Ape.

are insane.

34 621

Price lowered Apes don't get friendlier than this don't miss out

1 15

Once a dream, now got a Mutant Ape. The ultimate pfp. joined BAYC & MAYC.

2 41

I just picked up my first noise fur is awesome

0 2

At DAW we support woman in the nft space! Huge support from BAYC and MAYC. Super smooth launch and amazing community. . We are climbing the OS ladder and would be a solid scoop before it’s too late, reveal 30th of October 11am EST. NGMI

36 104

I FINALLY fucking did it! I bought a IM SO HYPED! like and follow the shit out of me.... LFG!

57 1179

randomly showed on my comment and telling me that I can have a spacesuit for my 0n1 and MAYC. Long story short, I'm about to ape because the discord is fire 🔥🔥 so warm and welcoming!! Thanks!! And look at those spacesuit !!

10 43