feel free to use my prompts, id love to see what you make with the tag

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My fourth prompt! He’s a Leafy Seadragon merman! I will post one more prompt for this month.

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combining the prompts and ! That moment when you awaken the ghost of your ancestors with a magic family amulet, am I right?

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I can't participate in the mermay! 😞 I'm amazed with all your fabulous illustrations and your hard work!💜

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Aww, how can you say no to those faces? (Do you think his mom let him keep it?)

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prompt ! I love the idea of an explorer, anthropologist mermaid, like Ariel. Except you know, with a color scheme like he shops at Hot Topic

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This is the outcome of the last stream. With this mermay theme I couldn't help myself to think about the frog king! I always loved Froggies! So, here comes the his eminence, his royalty - the frog king!

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Mermay prompt 10 - "Bloom". I did a lot of experimenting with this one and tried emulating an art nouveau-esque style.

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Think of the legendary turtle that carries the world. There is also one that carries the Sun.~
I just wanted to do a "little sketchy picture"…. T_T like always, I overdid it. I'm not used to draw water/sea.

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Fun with cloud and water brushes for "Adrift" and "Rescued", starring colored sketches of Sirus and Kelani

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