" I hate perfection. To be perfect is to be unable to improve any further "

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I want Okabe and Mayuri to get along...

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> 走り幅跳びで素直に助走をつけて距離を稼ぐために尻餅を覚悟したら綺麗な長座で座る体勢で着地したおかまゆさん(以下略) https://t.co/StLcSCgvwg
Okabe and Mayuri can't land well in the long jump.

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Okabe and Mayuri watching fireworks.

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> 席替で席が離れちゃったけど結局ラブラブな学生おかまゆさん(とダル)※要約 https://t.co/ntEWuPph1g
Hashida is sandwiched between Okabe and Mayuri, who are seated far apart.

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Mayuri used to call Okabe "Rinta" when she was little.

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> 街で見るいわゆるバカップルみたいにいちゃつく(オカリンは恥ずかしそうにしてるがまんざらでもない)おかまゆをお願いします https://t.co/Ku5fe4boAu
Okabe and Mayuri making out in public.

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> おかまゆで互いに食べ物を「あーん」させ合ってるイラストが見たいです。(後略)
Okarin and Mayuri feed each other takoyaki.

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I mistranslated it as "Okarin tries to hold Mayuri who is tired of walking, but Mayuri tries to keep walking."

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Okarin holding Mayuri who is tired of walking. https://t.co/CnaOxJmS0F

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Okarin's nose bleeds when Mayuri pushes her down.

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> まゆしぃに見つめられて照れるオカリン(要約) https://t.co/7LhKOel0eq
Okarin is embarrassed when Mayuri stares at her.

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> キングオージャーごっこをするオカリンとまゆしぃをお願いします! https://t.co/VYNMKIHr6Z
Okabe and Mayuri cosplaying as the newest Power Rangers broadcast in Japan.

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We will accept free of charge requests for illustrations featuring Okarin and Mayuri only.
For more information about the request, please see the link. →https://t.co/bTCkgu6j4S 

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Mayuri & Okarin lions.

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I received a comment on an illustration I posted earlier that said "Mayuri is a gremlin", is this image in the same condition as this one? (sorry if it was a translation error)

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Mayuri works hard to keep Okarin awake.

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A drink that tastes like Mayuri's slap...

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" Si ves este tweet pon 4 imágenes que expongan tu gusto en mujeres "

Ahí van mis waifus:
- Jolyne de Jojo
- Miruko de bnha
- Mayuri de Steins;Gate
- Tamamo no Mae de Fate (FGO) https://t.co/rydREUSTe7

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Shiori and Mayuri appeared on OpenSea!
Please come see them.

Shiori / Mayuri
小宮山 詩織 / 坂本 舞百合(東京都出身)


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