In to the storm ,only prints left ,all proceeds for McMillans Charity

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“It is good to have an end to journey toward; but it is the journey that matters, in the end.”

Ursula K. Le Guin - The Left Hand of Darkness, 1969.

Catherine McMillan - When my Spirit Wanders.

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-Caring about people, about things, about life -is an act of maturity.

-Tracey Mcmillan

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I often look up “Patriot Amazon” on Twitter and always find new people recommending or talking about the show. The truth is, there are more McMillan men out there than we thought and I hope we could all come together as a “united front” in 2022.

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Bats! 'Bat's Moonlight Feast' A night-time tale. Illustrated by me, written by Gordon McMillan.

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Sale for McMillans Charity,Thank you everyone for your tweets, retweets likes and comments,appreciate all

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Kind of modeled this concept off Kenneth McMillan in some ways.

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Hello, I am a freelance illustrator 🎨& occasional author 🖋️who sometimes makes picture books (as well as posters, covers and loads of stuff).

Here's a thread of my picture book work so far :-)

Written by Gordon McMillan
A night-time tale of a special bat

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2/2 And I can see Kenneth McMillans from the 1984 David Lynch version in *every* one of them. My prompt was the text in each image at 400 iterations. A good introduction to A.I. generated art :

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🦇More details!🦇

Featuring a very special little bat, discover
the story of their night-time search for a rare flower only they can pollinate.

Follow author Gordon McMillan at

And find out more details and places to buy at:

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Out today in the US, 'Bat's Moonlight Feast' written by Gordon McMillan, illustrated by me! A night-time tale of a very special bat. Here's some interior art, details/links below!


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Browning『X-Bolt Pro McMillan』

2021年のSHOT showにも出てたPrecision bolt-action rifle……🥺カッコヨ

薬室解放した時にボルトが水平になるからスコープに干渉しない&閉鎖・排莢も楽で、A-Bolt使ってた頃からとても気に入っていたのよね…:;(∩ ˘ω˘ ∩);:

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Looking for 2021 inspiration? Check out the fantastic new writing guides (with prompts!) from past judge Andrew McMillan () and past prizewinner Charlotte Knight:

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Oskar Kokoschka, Portrait of Putnam D. McMillan, 1957

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