no clue to the context, just knew I wanted to draw this AU boy with Meddy

1 14

a child's first ice cream is always a special moment. daffy seems to have gotten in the way, however...

5 14

the medusas waiting for their respective next installments. they'll get there!

4 16

after a swap of why both are medusas, we cee an organic Cygorgon and a metal Medusalac.

5 12

sometimes you just need to let everything out in the embrace of your best friend.

5 14

they had a good start with the headlacs, now time for a new challenge!

7 21

the entire possie gets bangs like FP1lac, that's the entire image.

12 28

received my second dose today. drew the mom of six to get the microchip flowing.

7 24

somehow, no matter how hard she tries, everything always circles back to her decisions aboard that accursed dreadnought...

9 32

medusas should stop hiding in caves, invest in warm embraces from your best friend

8 23

and while not an OC, Medusalac gets an honorable mention cause she's EVERYWHERE with me

0 2

another medusa except for this time I didn't make it, I only drew it.

8 23