Este fue uno de los que me quede ganas de hacer pero como dije antes, era mucho mas lento hacer mis dibujos

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DÍA 1: De Las manos ♥
Estoy haciendo el junto a uwu es una colaboración por lo tanto también publicare y/o compartiré los dibujos de el.

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西野カナの”もっと...”って曲が、#ロックマンX PS版のエックスチャージ音と似てる件。

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Since my drawing of gijinka Zapdos is taking long, have Iris from


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Here's my first take on characters.

A mini-portrait series from with X, Zero, Iris, and Double.

If reception for these is at least decent, I could be back to add the Coronel, Magma Dragoon, and Sigma.

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I did another sprite for Colonel in Mega Man Powered Up style. This time its the win pose.

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I did a little sprite of Colonel in Mega Man Powered Up Style. If everything goes perfect, expect a full sheet of him ^_^

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Iris from MegamanX4
I was sleeping one night and then I wake up and said "What if Iris have short hair?"

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Made this like a week ago, it's based on Double's sprite in MMX4
jsssssssss I couldn't make a background for it but I like the colors

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Here's my version of a scene from the MMX4 Manga, Double appears there!
really wish to see him in XDive

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Iris from megaman ✨❤️
Commission for

Yay finished before I go camping! She was fun to draw but a lot more work than I thought 😅
I hope you peeps like it!

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