I love drawing his melodramatic butt. If you want to have a nice outing do NOT invite Sirius, he will bring down the mood and cause a thunderstorm while he's at it 🌩️🌩️🌩️

4 11

Ah to go back to the time when the fate of the world was constantly at risk by melodramatic teenagers in toxic relationships 💔

0 1

its been quite a while since ive talked abt her but this is donna rose (she/her)! shes a demon who’s latched onto her human host and laments a lot about her love life and self esteem. donna’s super melodramatic and just a general mess, a hot mess (3rd image by sariasong64)

0 6

Caught up to PPPPPPP manga. I'm insanely invested in the story and the characters already. It's so beautiful and melodramatic. Really love the character designs and the art style too.

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Being a melodramatic bitch is a lifestyle 😌

1 12

I would perish for these melodramatic art kids.

0 8

Danganronpa Oc No. 14 Lorelei Sunder. The Sunder Ultimate Actress. She's a very melodramatic Southern Belle. Yes, her accent and some southern draw does slips out sometimes. It's quite a heavy accent at times.

1 5

6. I don't want to read Archie at all, what I've gleamed from it is just so off the wall and melodramatic that I can't get behind it.

read IDW instead, Scourge fans shall weep because it's time for the Surge Sweep.

0 6

Neal Adams defined the 70's and beyond for many DC characters, helping to ground them in an era that saw a return to more melodramatic and tragic storytelling in contrast to the constant camp of the 60's.

A true legend. Rest in Peace.


16 29

Being melodramatic about xyx again

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Emilia being dominated by the magical theatrical powers of control of the antagonistic melodramatic villain "Fantoccio"/

3 13

Esven Greenbriar always believed metaphors were for melodramatic poets and drunk philosophers, but she’d be damned if the wild horde of men charging into her forest cottage didn’t crash through like river rapids.

0 16

shallow, semi-funny, melodramatic, endearing, irritating, slow-paced, sentimental, mildly engaging, largely predictable and sometimes boring

0 2

If you’re a fan of the original then I can’t in good faith recommend this as a worthy update, but if you’re a fan of Japanese or Korean dramas then I think you’ll probably get a lot more out of it. It’s got a great cast & lots of melodramatic character building stuff to enjoy 😅

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5. Made me more melodramatic lol.

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Random venty art oof. I'm quite melodramatic lol. It doesn't seem to change or go away and it's insufferable to people around me.

0 3

Seguimos con Howl, un semielfo mago/brujo que si, esta inspirado en el Howl que todes conocemos y si, es bastante melodramatico.
Pero bueno nos ha salvado y metido en lios a partes iguales ✨

3 9

First time reading The author has a GREAT ear for melodramatic superhero fun, and the designs and characters are legitimately cool. I often have a hard time with indie super heroes but this feels very fresh, distinct, and most importantly FUN!

2 4

Most Fashionable

Slightly Melodramatic

(Imbued with the IT)

The Rarity

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