Mengsetor commission art! Kalian nggak mau beli apa??? 🤨

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Malam artist! Mau mengsetor art hari ini. Ber k☁️ yuk sama sender><

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Mengsetor wip art! kura2 biru sekalian mncari k☁️ baruu👉👈

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met sore, mau setor art! cimol mengsedih😿😿

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mengsetor new art! 🌟 sekalian baru balik aktip menggambar lagi yuk berk⛅!

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Mau mengsetor art! wip anak lanangku xixii

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Mengsetor wip satoyuu Art! Btw ada yg mau ber ☁dengan sender??

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Mengshare latest art! Anw adakah yang mau berk☁️?

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Mengsetor WIP, sender mencari art! moots. Hayuk ✧◝(⁰▿⁰)◜✧

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Anton Raphael Mengs (March 22, 1728[1] – June 29, 1779) was a German Bohemian painter-thumbnail.

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Born Anton Raphael Mengs German Bohemian style in mid-18th century emerged as one of the precursors to Neoclassical painting which replaced Rococo as Europe’s dominant style of painting Produced some of best work for Charles III of Spain

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🎨 German painter and theorist, was 22 March 1728.

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Siang-siang panas begini ijinkan aku mengsetor art! hasil komis terakhirku yang adem biru-biru ini sebelum laptopku koit tempo hari 🥲
Doakan semoga ada rejeki buat nyervis laptopku ya gaes 🥲🙏🏻

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Katanya CSP ver.2 agak mengsad ._.)?
Ini pakai krita ✓

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Commission work yang mengsedih. Pas minta komis, cuman satu hamsnya yang udah mati. Eh tiba2 request dua2nya dikasih halo dan minta tambah rainbow 🥲.

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German painter, draughtsman and treatise-writer Anton Raphael Mengs was born 1728.
He was an outstanding artist of early neoclassicism. Pictures: self portrait (1755) + Diana and Helios from the boudoir of María Luisa of Parma (1765).

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Art! Mengsetor anack nagaaaa. Btw mari kita bertomodachi!! Agak selektif yaa

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