メルセデス・ベンツ、「映画ドラえもん のび太の新恐竜」とタイアップキャンペーン https://t.co/amZVfSxwwh

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メルセデス・ベンツ、直列6気筒+ISG+48Vシステム搭載「メルセデスAMG GLE 53 4MATIC+」 https://t.co/mgYNkYjcBu

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Sketched from the Christmas present I received from my wife - a couple of books on the history of the Silver Arrows. Incredible machines from a frightening age.

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Some cars that I illustrated this week in full vector illustration.

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"Gonna rise up, put a fight up!
Time to be the light she can find"
🎵 Sophie and The Giant - The Light

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Trinity Modern Broadway : Weekend 13th & 14th July : : : : : : Contact Stephen Sheppard 01386 859329 or email stephenntings.com

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