Heavy: "Aweh, man, finally! That took all day!"
Hector: "It was important to make Evan Feel secure."
Glam: "Yes! Evan feels much better now!"
Evan: ". . ."

It's done! Here's the Metal family Au Me and have made together! Metal Universe!✨️

1 5

Трейд с !
Было очень приятно нарисовать столь атомную женщину!
Забавно, что на оба трейда по metal family я рисовала именно Викторию 🧡
Обязательно заглядывайте к DIILLKE, у него очень милые и кайфовые работы ✨

7 56

This took so long but it was worth it. Animal by Troye Sivan had me hooked and thinking of these two beautiful twinks

9 41

Когда сказали, что футболку после фотосессии надо вернуть

9 66

I’m actually not demanding when it comes to fanfictions in CERTAIN fandoms
Metal Family for example:
-Dee = centre of the story
-Him going to Ches for advices (angst?Better)
-Glam and Dee finally talking/arguing pretty bad

0 4