🎵iiiit’s myyy aeeeeroooplaaaane!🎵 I love that song y’all. And I love Miyazaki! ❤️And Miyazaki loves airplanes! So here I am drawing some Miyazaki-inspired airplanes. ✈️This one is outta Porco Rosso! 🐷 https://t.co/65OhGOHVRU

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I may not be sci-if fan but this week’s challenge on on Instagram is fun! My first post for the sci-fi challenge this week. Helloooo!

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Phoned it in yesterday, so I spent some more time drawing this little trio today! It’s all about ridin’ those ebbs and flows. ☺️ Day 6/7 of https://t.co/2rnAUd0vrH

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Day 5/7 of is my cartoon soul mate: Garfield! Yesterday was in my color style but not really my drawing style, so I tried to draw this one more in my style and less in the Garfield style. Funny how much it still looks like him even w… https://t.co/uJVh5ZN2j9

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