Sunday! (Ok, so it's fanart sunday, but I am totally into my fusion ideas right now)
is one of the most amazing characters in the whole show, and she has a Mimikyu, a ghost type pokemon (Fans of the series will get why).

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4. Mimikyu, gen 7
Adorable ghost type pokemon who looks like pikachu. Some even mistaken them as "depressed pikachu", but they are a very completely different pokemon. The "pikachu" is actually cloth that cover them

Ps: please pat their head, thank you

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sylveon, Mimikyu, zorua and Lilligant, Gothitelle and Gardevoir

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Mimikyu, a ghost/fairy that disguise it self as pikachu

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suggested Mimikyu, so I doodled it before my tea!

Keep ‘em coming!

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Não sei o mais feio, mais o mais bonito para mim é mimikyu, não só pela aparência

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🖤🤍🖤 Your Top Four 🖤🤍🖤

• “Cause Problems On Purpose”
• The pumpkin seed
• Living, breathing stripes
• & Ears Forever

Not seen here: (Shiny) Mimikyu, Pumpkaboo, Furret, Quilava, and probably a dozen others I adore

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Mimikyu, meu protegido

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Here’s my next human Pokémon (apparently they’re called Gijinkas) challenge of Magikarp and Mimikyu, suggested by the wonderful 😊

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Slygon - Disguise Pokemon

This odd Pokemon is a variant of Mimikyu, which uses a Flygon costume to adapt to the dragony mountains. It is said that it also capable of using Dragon-type moves.

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Nidoking, le agarre cariño xk lo tenia casi como main en mi primera partida de Rojo fuego y porque es morado :p
Ah! también me gusta Mimikyu, hasta tengo un peluche de el xd

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Mimikyu, sem dúvidas.

As aparências enganam, por mais assustador que pareça, é um amor e bem brincalhão. Agora... Só não da mole, quando recebe o primeiro tapa, não sente nada, mas depois começa a porradaria, e bate forte...

Sua nature é Adamant, a melhor defesa, é o ataque.

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Four more pin designs, Chibiusa/Minimoon, Teddy Demon from Sleepy Princess, Mimikyu, and Primarina 💖 Everything's been really busy, shop, family, holidays coming up, but I'm trying my best thanks all for the support I might be quiet but I appreciate you!

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People have been asking me to make a Rosalina Mimikyu, but because I despise her I decided to draw a White Mage costume from Mario Basketball for day 19 of Mimikyucember :D

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Togepi, Slyveon, Axew, Gibble, Mimikyu, Jirachi is my dream team!

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Mimikyu, Charizard, Crobat, and Blaziken in that order. If just one then just Mimikyu but all 4 are (at one point) we’re my favorite Pokémon and I guess you can say mascot so I’d defend all them like that.

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Thanks for the chance at a raffle!
My Pokémon would be:
Sylveon, Luxray, Flygon, Blazekein, Mimikyu, and Metagross

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Mew, bulbasaur, growlithe, mimikyu, vaporeon, toxel 💜

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funny enough i was asked if i had a team what team so im prepared!!!

Mimikyu, Chandelure, Inceneroar, Ninetails, Umbreon, Garchomp

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my pokemon would be Hypno, Pikachu, Meowth, Mimikyu, And Jigglypuff. Good luck Everyone 😁

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