Day 9: Ed
He was such an interesting character. His difficult life left him feeling he had to be cold and untrusting to survive. It was nice to see the walls he built to protect himself slowly begin to fall. I would’ve liked to see him truly open up!

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Day 8 I am slightly salty that we will never get to experience Instructor Lisette playing on the beach in a swimsuit

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I finally get to share one of my favorite drawings, hehe! It's Lisette day!!
God, Lisette has to be among the characters with one of the most tragic backstories? She's so caring and almost motherly deep down, but she's been through so much

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This pose was actually the first draft of my chibi for the countdown, but I had gone so far on the sketch that I thought it a waste to drop it entirely. So to finish it, I decided to put the Blaze Formal dress over it!

12 24

Today is Lisettes sday, so here the original renders from her episodes.

I will forever love her ep 1 simply for the hilarous convos between Leo and Hugo about Lisettes age and Lisette in swimming clothes.

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Day 8: Lisette
Her story was a tragic one. Never having any choice to do what she believed was right in order to protect those close to her. Living in regret over a decision that was forced upon her. I would give anything to see her have a happy ending!

4 17

Theory for what Lucien’s embleo looked like? 🤔 For this piece I went with his angel motif combined with the patterns on the corpses from the cart Gaspard destroyed in Leo EP1. What’s happening with him? Can we please see under his shirt Bamco? 💛

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Time to move onto one of the most mysterious characters the Lumi cast had to offer, Lucien ~
To be he's been one of the most fascinating characters from the very beginning. His entire demeanor, combined with his past.. it just makes you wanna know MORE

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Day 7 I love Lucien but I don't draw him much because he's too beautiful. I can't capture his true beauty.

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Today is Luciens day, so here the original render from his, unfortunatly too, only episode. 🫖

I think the end was the most interesting with fake Maulraux spoilering us about the "poison" in Luciens heart...

7 21

Day 6
I actually like Vanessa but when she's being pit against Falk.. 😅
Goodbye Nessa there is 0 chance of me choosing you for any fav fest over a certain angy boi. The same goes for Ed.

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Today is Vanessas Day, so here we have rainbow Nessa and her cool Badges.

Why does her eggo badge look so serious tho?

(All files from the original UI files)

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【The Hope That Binds Us】
Day 6(10/19): Vanessa Morax


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Day 5 I dedicate this to you, peng
cough BEST cough Celia main

21 49

Wake up fellas, it's Yelsy day!
No matter who you pair her up with, she always brought a breath of fresh air into every episode she starred in, and I absolutely adore her

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Day 4 - Maxime Hasselmans

mackyyyy you're awesome!

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It's Macky day! Day 4 of and it's dedicated to one of my all time favorite fictional boys! Maxime Hasselmans! (You need to introduce him with both his first and last name pls)

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