For 6: Dragon

Hibachi is not the same as Tepanyaki, trust me I had to look it up

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For 5: Succubus

Sakie Lives rent free inside my heart

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The first 4 drawings I did for a Monster Mash Oc-tober list 😴😴

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Doing prompt list done by 1st prompt being Witch, but I didn't do a monsterrr I did Coco from witch hat atelier cuz she's the best witch

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I'm really excited to announce Luci's Monster Mash! I have really loved the idea of October drawing challenges, but I have always found them to be very overwhelming. So, I wanted to make something different!

🎃Rules Below 🎃

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Today is Monster Mash-up! I went through a handful of ideas but I really just wanted to draw a freaky Sailor Moon vampire.

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Auf den ersten Blick wirken die aufgeblasenen Modelle in wie ein lustiges Gimmick. Tatsächlich bietet das Tool aber einen intuitiven Einstieg in und verbindet clever 2D Illustration mit räumlichen Modellen >><<

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thank you again to everyone who gave their time, their energy, and their wonderful selves to making the an incredible experience. this community makes me smile everyday - thank you for letting me help build another special reason to smile with yall!

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ive been inspired by the to do some formal wear~
normally i dont dress up but i simply have to since this event is so so amazing.
i saw so many amazing outfits on the red carpet this night, my god

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I'll be attending the tonight with ! Shiloh and I did a collab for our red carpet walk - I did lines, he did flats and textures, and I finished it off... I look forward to seeing what everyone else will be wearing!

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Last Stream of the year!!!! Hop by and enjoy the with me and some friends as well get ready to bring in the new year!!!! I will be starting at 7:30pm est, I hope to see you all there my friends!

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