...second ongoing series.

The issue opens in the near immediate aftermath of the kids' escape from the Morlock Tunnels after the Magus' had hunted them there, teleported once more into Illyana's site-of-abuse turned kingdom, Limbo.

Roberto is the first to awaken among them...

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...of the Tunnels before Thor gives the deceased Morlocks their final rest in the flaming Alley.

But once above ground, Berserker realizes that he's landed his party in X-Factor's headquarters, and begins to lash out before Skids–who has clearly been brainwashed into now...

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For an issue titled 'Redemption', X-Factor spends a curious amount of time in Scott's self-pity in the wake of the Massacre and his many other poor life decisions since the series' beginning.

Mistaking Hank and Bobby for more Marauders, a breakaway sect of Morlocks led by...

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...to the Morlocks is to offer them a true Asgardian funeral, gathering their bodies and burning them, transforming the Alley into a massive funeral pyre.

Hela arrives to explain her attack against Thor,

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...one again swiftly defeats his opponents.

While the idea of death as release doesn't translate well onto the Morlocks, it does more strongly connect with Warren's suffering.

In his last X-Factor appearance, Warren had essentially lost everything that mattered to him...

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...death that the Morlocks–the central victims of this crossover–were certainly not afforded.

Thor only briefly overlaps with the actual Massacre as the titular hero faces the Marauders for the first time and discovers Angel's badly beaten body.

Death occurs throughout...

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Below in the Hangar, Sunder resists Moira's direction to amputate his leg, but a shaken Xi'an–having already survived one war–is unable to calm him, deferring to Psylocke to psychically anesthetize the wounded Morlock.

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...and destruction of the Mutant Massacre, and his work in this issue goes a long way to prove that sentiment.

If there was hope that the shock-value of UXM would prepare readers for another view of the Morlocks' grim fate, it's shattered by Walt's casual but stunning...

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It isn't just that the X-Men have arrived to find the Tunnels littered with dead bodies, but that even present, they are unable to fully stop the Marauders path of destruction.

Riptide lets loose again, and more Morlocks fall in death around our heroes as the man laughs.

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...to Ororo's order to stay behind and protect the New Mutants as she leads the team into the Tunnels to rescue what few Morlocks remain.

The smell of death fills the air; Kitty, paralleling Erik's identity and realization pages ago, is the one tasked with commenting on it.

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...becomes clear.

The mundanity of this moment feels out of place among the Massacre because it purposefully is–soda for dinner, not a genocide, should be the height of Kitty's concerns.

But it's no use–mutants are afforded the luxury of mundanity, and an injured Morlock...

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...or make any attempt to contain the indulgent joy and satisfaction the Marauder's take in their crimes.

The deaths of even the nameless Morlocks hurt, and that's in part on the grounds of our growing familiarity with their culture and society after several stories...

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...felt far more real that I was ready to handle.

The most disturbing element of the Mutant Massacre is how purely gleeful the Marauders are in their wanton genocide of the Morlocks, and neither Claremont's scripts nor JRJr.'s art hold any of the horrors of the slaughter back...

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...for the boy's innocence.

With knowledge that the Marauders have already started to take the Morlock Tunnels, Artie's search for Rusty comes packaged with a sense of deadly stakes.

But his arrival there–especially following his rejection by Hodge–is heartwarming. For Artie...

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...standing together, a sentiment once again echoed in the issue's final character vignette before returning to the Morlock Tommy.

Logan and Ororo have done their best to follow Rachel's trail, but lose it at the Delacorte Theater where she was spirited away by Spiral.

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...the Morlocks in the days ahead.

Piotr says he believes in Xavier's dream, but there's a clear element of Erik's mixed in by the time he finds redefined purpose in his life as an X-Man.

More important than mutants standing together with humans is mutants themselves simply...

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...presence on the airwaves and actions in the news.

There's a lot to say about Glow Worm and Bulk–but the thing I found most interesting about them is that even among the Morlocks–where mutants who can't pass often find sanctuary–they're rejects.

It doesn't help that both...

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What about making the Morlocks rhe Queen’s Royal Guard of Mars?

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Once again jumping back to New York, Erik's shower (you're welcome ) is interrupted by the return of Tom and Sharon dressed in kink wear that would make even the Morlock's proud.

If Empath's actions last issue weren't enough for you to immediately hate him...

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Krakoa welcomes Brute, Hump, Marrow, and Bliss of the Morlocks

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