There's been a confirmed case of NCoV here in the Philippines. Hopefully it won't spread throughout the country 😔😔😔

1 18

(( tbh the announcement is super late , a lot of the Chinese tourists -with some who were suspected to carry the virus- are in the country now ))

(( pls take care everyone, all nationalities ))


18 59

Ilustración sobre coronavirus para prensa.

Coronavirus illustration for press.

4 3

Since last week, I've been checking ' real-time tracker:

The virus is currently following the textbook spread pattern for a rapidly expanding organism in China.
It's in the early stages of spread elsewhere.


13 16

На днях было нехуй делать.
Кароче вот↓ Коронавирус чан.
или по научному "2019-nCov"
☞ ̄ᴥ ̄☞

1 11

Chest x-ray helped detect the presence of novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV) in a Vietnamese man who had traveled to Wuhan, China. The case study was reported on January 28 in .

15 23

新型コロナウィルス!! 感染状況をリアルタイムでマップで表示するWebサービス 『Coronavirus 2019-nCov』 PCあれこれ探索 -

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Coronavirus 2019-nCoV



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コロナウイルス2019-nCoVの感染者をカウントするサイト 中国人はロシアに行かない? 中東やアフリカ、南アメリカで発生していないのは幸いだけど、発覚していないだけ? にしてもロシア気になる。

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1월 28일 WHO에 보고된 내용(단위 : 명)
확진환자 총 4593, 사망 106, 확산국가 14개국
중국 4537, 일본 6, 한국 4, 베트남 2, 싱가포르 7, 오스트레일리아 5,말레이시아 4, 캄보디아 1, 태국 14, 네팔 1, 스리랑카 1, 미국 5, 캐나다 2, 프랑스 3, 독일 1

43 22

— Out of surprise, & CONFIRM patients who caught did NOT visit

🇯🇵 tour bus driver in Nara drove Chinese from
🇩🇪 1st case: infection by a colleague who visited patient’s workplace

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🦠Genome of Wuhan is 29,903 bases, little genetic variation between patient samples

🦠Coronavirus is jumps from animals to humans

🦠SARS coronavirus jumped from bats to civets to humans

🦠MERS coronavirus jumped from bats to camels to humans

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抗ウイルス薬 HIVプロテアーゼ阻害剤


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