Mir Miran, here with his father Mir Jafar, Nawab of Bengal (r. 1757-60 & 1763-65), was struck dead by lightning as he lay in his tent, 3 July 1760
This took place almost exactly 3 years after Mir Miran had ordered the killing of Siraj-ud-Daula

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Sujah dowlah,vizir of the Mughal empire,nawab of Oude and his ten sons. London R. Ackermann 1820

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I was trying to force myself to draw today,and i been wanting to draw bug boys for a while now.
caterpillar of the great nawab and silk moth

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(#Isfahan-born) Gurgin Khan, the general of Nawab by Dip Chand, ©V&A Museum https://t.co/hrBjXxhAOM

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Bengal Nawab Sarfaraz Khan !

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