Le back massage/scratch request. No judging now, I haven't drawn in a bit.

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Something I came up for a little late Thanksgiving, sort of art. ^^

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This was a suggested drawing idea for my Nazscent Pirate A.U Story, it was bout adorable, amd cool to make x>

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I tired my best to make it seem like Crescent is being tickled, but its harder than it looks, I tired xD

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Since many are getting into the Halloween, Exe spirit. And having this originally planned out a little after, why not join in?

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A little something I have in plan for this Halloween ^^

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This is just a cover for a new side story I'm working on Wattpad, one I've been dying to do for a while, so those that are interested, keep a eye out ;3 (Also don't blame/judge if it looks wired.)

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This shouldn't of taken me as long as it did. But it was worth it, in the end xD

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