Watched FLCL for the first time, thought I‘d draw best girl. Don‘t @ me

0 1

2/14 高円寺バーペガ 21:00~




5 7

2/14 高円寺バーペガ 21:00~
Raysa() pre.『Tomorrow Never Knows vol.1』


3枚目 Photo by:新條心彩()←初対バンや

4 7

What Aizen gets up to on his days off!

1 5

Ahhh, sorry guys! Take two! 😆
(Needed to brighten things up a bit!)

I know I keep bombarding you all with posts, but I'm just posting these as I finish them (or believe I do. Haha!)

Finished Tali! 🍁🍂

0 9

There's a whole other life outside waiting for you. Wake up and smell the flowers. The grass is greener outside. Go offline and free your mind. Disconnect to reconnect before it's too late. You never know.

6 30

Day 22 of

Farmer Judy Hopps brings in the harvest.

(NOTE: I know the last update I wrote "day 23" so tomorrow will be "day 21" and we can pretend I never made a mistake mwahahahathey'llneverknow)

44 336

ちなみに10位も の名もなき詩!すごー。
まさにモンスターバンドです(T ^ T)✨

5 16

how strong Mandy's resting bitch face was

8735 6972

the struggle to wake up in the morning to catch these shows

3009 924

the original "and you're watching Disney channel"

832 609

the amount of happiness we got from playing these games

809 710