29 - Nidoran♀
Type: Poison

Small and very docile, it protects itself with its small, poisonous horn when attacked.

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I finally got some Telegram stickers, thanks to ! Both in my spotted skunk dragon form & my nidoran♀ form. Some of these have a hidden significance. Like my "thumbs up" also being toward myself for being "100% girl", and sad me baring my emotions by being bare.

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29 - Nidoran♀
Type: Poison

Small and very docile, it protects itself with its small, poisonous horn when attacked.

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🪡 21: ニドラン Nidoran♀ 🐭

What Pokémon would you like to see next?

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Me as a dragon-type nidoran♀!

Artists are , , , and myself.
The male nido is my "twin brother" character who I no longer use, and the nidorina belongs to .
(Also, I just realized how badly I need more art of four-legged me.)

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29: Nidoran♀!
Extraño, pero debía hacer un pokémon con género dudoso, y que más que un nidoran hembra shiny!

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Nidoran♀️ / Sandshrew and Nidoran♂️ / Sandshrew These are Sandran♀️ and Sandran♂️

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My is just an alternate form of me, but I'm not missing the trend!
Here's me as a nidoran♀, both in feral & anthro forms. Half-dragon, 'cause that's hard to magic out of me.
(Currently have brown eyes to match RL eyes, used to be blue.)
Credits in next tweet.

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The Nidoran♀️ Line ✨💙✨
029. Nidoran♀️
030. Nidorina
031. Nidoqueen

Nidoqueen is like number two for my favs for my Pokemon Kanto Gijinkas that I've made.

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Pokemon Fan Art

Nidoran♀ has barbs that secrete a powerful poison. They are thought to have developed as protection for this small-bodied Pokémon. When enraged, it releases a horrible toxin from its horn.

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780 ジジーロン Jijilong Drampa
030 ニドラン♀ Nidoran♀ [029]

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Caught a shiny Nidoran♀ today.

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¿Qué Contraparte de estás lineas evolutivas te gusta más?

🔁 Nidoran♂ & Nidorino & Nidoking
❤ Nidoran♀ & Nidorina & Nidoqueen

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Nidoran♀ | ニドラン♀

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I painted Nidoran♀, Nidorina and Nidoqueen! (via https://t.co/YmKLTlMjH9)

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