007- Bowser

It's everyone's favorite nasty dad!

Bowser's interactions with Mario & Peach in Odyssey felt like the perfect middle ground between his serious side (Galaxy, etc) and the fact that he still plays sports with them.

Friend Bowser is my favorite Bowser!

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006 - Lucina

If I had to pick just one character to represent FE it'd be Lucina.
Awakening really plays like a love letter to the franchise as a whole!
Lucina has elements from so many of the lords like Marth/Seliph, all while having such a great arc herself!

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005- Kirby

It almost feels like cheating to upload such a simple character, but hey-Kirby is everyone's best friend, so it's important to have him here!

As always, he is hug shaped.

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004- Red

Pikachu will get their own dedicated picture eventually, but for now I wanted to focus on some of the notable trainers from the Pokemon Games rather than just the Pokemon themselves!

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003- Agent 3

I freaked out when I saw Agent 3 in the trailer for the Octo Expansion. Bringing the silent protagonist you played as in one game back in another game as an NPC is one of my favorite tropes ever!?

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002- Link

This Link is based more on the Zelda1/Alttp/Albw Link,
but other specific Links, (such as Hero of Time Link and Champion Link,) will get their own art as well eventually!

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