Met a bun named sprout who draws like everyday 💙

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She was just a baby ✨🖤

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A cat and her Cheshire noodles, we didn't have time to eat any .3. 🖤💙

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This dude kept having us help him look for a home, he was picky 💗

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This was a baby slime in a robosuit.. He may have been the tiniest one but he was the biggest help

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💜This character is shy as a heck but she brought us cocoa and that was cool💜

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Finished my week 2 of 2020. This week was Aicha Kandicha, usually depicted as a beautiful woman with the legs of a hoofed animal like a camel or goat. She makes her home near water sources, using her beauty to seduce men to kill or madden them. Will you take her hand?

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💚 She was adamant about us drinking water before heading into the desert dungeon 💚#beanntober

2 11

« Je suis à bout de forces, la chaleur est trop intense..C’est moi où il y a un bateau sur cette dune?! »

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We met a pidgeon lady, she didnt wanna do nothing but observe us while we did the quest stuff 🖤♠

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♡ purintober ♡ day nine ♡ coffee ♡

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I figured these moth babies would be returning someday 🖤💜

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My entry for week 1 of 2020. Gin is not happy with Asmodai.

Pls click for full picture :3

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💕 An tiny awakened Mung Bean that wants to be a knight so bad after finding an old helmet and a battered dagger. She is doing her best 💕

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Tortor.. We were told by the trefoil people about this retired adventurer that takes care of the little springlings in the mountains ♠🌺

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These things are as huge as a house 💚♦

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The first npc was a clubs suite character we never named 'em tho 🖤♣

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Our first monster we generated was like some gargoyle dragon thingy and we had to get a special item from him but he just look at the bean and be like... What da heck 💙🖤

1 14

Day 2 let's goooooooooooo,,, 🖤🖤🖤#beanntober2020

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Wasnt planning on doing Inktober this year but beann made the challenge so.. Imma draw npcs from our wonderland game, Day 1 of 💚🌱

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