NoBrain lists of some of the things that keep his friends from losing their sanity. Shame it's already happened to Steve.

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Cell's a gun for hire lookin' for work while unfolding the secrets to why Li'l Joey is both a destructive brute and a child.
Today, kids, Cell asks NoBrain about Li'l Joey. Fun, right?!

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NoBrain shows off his new pal to Lil' Joey, strange how they apparently drove home despite not owning a car.

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NoBrain and Li'l Joey trick or treat in a box. It seems as if the spookiness came to them this year.
Happy Halloween!

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SaneBrain needs some body parts to create an undead soldier to attack everyone he hates, maybe he should've given NoBrain a shopping list of what to get.

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你之所做,心之所向,人之所恶( ’ - ’ * )

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NoBrain's a real goof, I tell ya

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Remember what NoBrain first looked like? Hideous, right? And unlike Squidward's father, NoBrain's dad did hug him.

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The Slackers: The Moochers Bible

The easy button

That was easy


Moochers and Slackers

Eat for free


No money no problem

eating for cheap or free

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