I've been playing a lot of NMS recently since I've badly been needing a chill game to just hang out in but then I finished the story and...my brain did its usual trick...

Meet Orion, because apparently I can't help myself and must make characters in everything.

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No Man's Sky art for an old Pixel Dailies prompt.

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久々にNoMansSkyやったらハマっちゃって1週間ぐらいこれしかやってなかった コンパニオンもいいけどいちいち手動で呼び出さなくていいレイラップスのほうがやっぱり相棒感はありますね 言い間違いを訂正しようとして結局同じ言い間違いするのがかわいい

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- This planet, seems cool!
.. From sky ..
- Yes. Exploring a bit, first.
.. ..
- Oh. Big place! Landing.
- Don't worr-A dinosaur?
With, yes
Go, back

Planet: Kumot 21/U7
System: Jacklad-Siun

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Happened to find an S-class freighter in need of rescue, so here we are! Finally replaced the B I've been running with since they were introduced. Forever freighter! Time to upgrade this baby.

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FOLLOW US AND RETWEET to win a copy of 'No Man's Sky (Switch)'!

Winner announced on MONDAY 10/10/22 at 3pm!


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Some AI art from of and it's still not quite as good looking as the game itself!

Looking forward to the Switch version! \o/

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