the nsf gallery max minted 🤮🤮🤮😤😤😤

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Me alegra que les gustara la tematica de stream de hoy, llegamos a 30 viewers 🥰🥰. Tristemente tenia cosas que hacer y por ello termine mas temprano de lo normal. Igualmente continuamos mañana con NSF MW Chaos

Gracias & por sus raids. 💕

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The Slow Dance of Galaxies NGC 5394 and 5395
Image Credit: Gemini, NSF, OIR Lab, AURA; Text: Ryan Tanner (NASA/USRA)

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me falta hacerlo mas fluido XD ,pero tenia ganas de hacer esto :v

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M82: Galaxy with a Supergalactic Wind
Image Credit: NASA, ESA, The Hubble Heritage Team, (STScI/AURA)
Acknowledgement: M. Mountain (STScI), P. Puxley (NSF), J. Gallagher (U. Wisconsin)

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NSF国立光赤外線天文学研究所(NOIRLab)は、米国が運用するハイレベルな天文観測施設を統括する組織として2019年に発足。そのサイトにある画像集 銀河や星雲の観測画像や、天文台周辺の夜景写真などを含む。下の2枚はハワイとチリの天文台で撮影された芸術的な渦巻銀河。

77 264

NO WONDER THE FUCKING GALLEON IS SHAKING! no is not sorrow bad weather, its those two that havent come out of the cap'n quarters in a week!

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Thank you all for getting me to 1k, and lets all support smaller artists!!


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give me your ocs (no gore or nsf w )

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📢 on NSF? Highbrow humor
If it’s not fun, stupid, or weird we won’t touch it here at Funmachine.eth This may check all those boxes. Anyways, a wise ass once said if there were no bad jokes there could be no good jokes, butt of course good and bad are subjective

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Hello guys, here I leave you a commission that ended a few days ago but just today made me want to hang up, remember that I have YCH open reports to my dm

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13. Pasado y pesadillas 1/3.

Leves menciones de tr4nsf0bia, 4bus0, m4ach1sm0.

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The nsf gallery is happy to announce its acquisition of these wonderful Pinco scene pieces from The Pinco Village by young artist . They are on permanent display.

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