Hey, remember how Nuparu designed and built a whole mech on the fly, which later became critical to fend off the Bohrok swarms?

Remember how he got no recognition during Naming Day?

Messed up, huh?

3 22

3: Nuparu

okay so he's another example where his inika design is fucking hideous

i like how he's basically the Tony Stark of matoran though, too bad that aspect never really shined when he became a Toa

0 5

Inika Island Assault Nuparu

1 7

Inika Island Assault Nuparu

0 6

I'm not actually taking comms again right now but I accidentally did a comm again fasdj
Comm for Nuparu, please don't use!

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Bionicle Heroes: Toa Inika Nuparu

2 11

The toa inika got a pretty raw deal.
"Okay you have these nifty lightning weapons right? Too bad. Kongu? No weapons. Nuparu? You have a shield. Two of you get claw things. Jaller? You get a charming lad."

13 64

SID_W12: Nuparu Glatorian Shield

Seen as a "Beginners Shield", this shield is known best as a shield that can catch a foe's weapon causing them to get stuck. More skilled Glatorian stopped using it as it became easier to acquire.

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