Wouldn't that be nuts? 🥜

In reality, their name comes from "nut hacker" because that is how they open nuts – by jamming them into a crevice and hacking away with their beak.

Comic by

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Birdz Takes On Being AB / DL


watched the whole show with me and shared details about Mr. Nuthatch worth writing about.

Art by .

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The nuthatch has the wrong idea about what their name means…

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What better bird to bananafy than the nuthatch?

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two beebies i had the pleasure of designing for !

today i learned about white-breasted nuthatches. if you want to brighten your day in 5 seconds, go google them.

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A hoof fungus acts as a canopy over this nuthatch nest hole in a willow at Wintersett Reservoir.
Angler's Country Park

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red breasted nuthatch piece :) #

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Today's Find:

counting clouds
the nuthatch
caches a seed

Brad Bennet

tinywords, April 12th., 2022

Image: 'A Nuthatch and Three Persimmons', Watanabe Seitei https://t.co/qvk45K9uyx

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I encountered this cute lil bird on my hike yesterday. I decided to sketch it to see where my art-battery.

It's a white-breasted nuthatch in case you're curious.

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Not my typical style but it seemed to fit such how simple cute nuthatches are.

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Need mothers day cards? All our range is back in. Nuthatches, Swallows, Lapwings, Kingfishers and many more!! Here: https://t.co/L3FQYKeilg

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Lilac bellied wonder, foot long muncher, speckle backlit blunder, gaze oft so ternary. Hidden here swayback, six-toed nuthatch, featherless to unpack, seven two-ten bushwack. Four-eyed tongue-tied,flipbacked meaning stack,coracius to lakeside, such lapis mystery; Tetra Trilogy

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Tufted Titmice flit from branch to branch of the forest canopy looking for food, often in the company of other species including nuthatches, chickadees, kinglets, and woodpeckers.
Source: https://t.co/trjitpZqik

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Nuthatches Splash Bird paintings. On show 9-20th March at ‘Glimpse’ exhibition at the Sam Scorer Gallery

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White-Breasted Nuthatch in a bonnet~ sketch!

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N is for Nuthatch! 🥜🐦

I’ve said “This bird is the best” a lot but — Nuthatches are the best! They might even be the Cutest Birds in the Whole Forest!

They have a very close competitor for that title, who we shall see in a few days…

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