Double today! For Halloween and my BD!

Q1: Got any OCs of yours that are vampires?

Q2: It's Clay-Mans birthday and you've been teleported to his party! Are you celebrating it or doing a job for the party (cook, party planner, etc)

7 27

Day of Halloween Edition

The supernatural!

Do you have any characters that are like this?

4 7

Gonna try something different with and focus on Halloween stuff!

Day "Body Horror!"

Has your OC ever torn a body apart or manipulate their body in a way it would seem unnatural/alien to the human eye?

6 25

"IRL Issues!"

Aside from fighting monsters, demons, and other supervillains, has there been personal issue/s your OCs had to face?

15 74


Does your OC get their powers based on an emotional spectrum? (Depression, Anger, Fear Happyness, Stress, etc?")

Bonus Question: Do they get stronger based on a specific emotion?

9 39


What was the most hax/BS/OP thing your OC has ever done?

8 56

Bonus ! (Idea brought on by )

Your OC is involved in a marvel/dc event!

How big of an impact do they make getting involved?

2 7

Heres one for my mutual OC homies!

What's your favorite OC vs your friend's OC moment you had?

5 44


Do any of your OCs have rivals?

3 37

"Gotta get them energy baby!"

Do any of your OCs manipulate energy in their own way?

10 37

"I'm fast as fuck boyyyyyyyyy!"

We tackled strength and durability, so how fast can your OCs go?

6 40

"How much are you willing to take!?!"

Just how durable (Physically, mentally, etc) is your OC?

22 168

We hit hard baby!

Any of your OCs really hard hitters (Either through training, genes and or powers)?

14 98

Most suspected rapists and abusers plead for jail time in the state of New England.
Urban legend says they will be found dead and partially consumed within days if exonerated or charges are dropped. The corpses are described as severally mutilated.

3 14

It's good to be bad.

Any OCs of yours switched from being good to evil?

3 8


Is your OC part of a band and or a singing/dance group?

2 4

This'll be today/tomorrows question:

It's all in quads!

Do you have a specific team of OCs that work in 4s?

4 27

Training your body is important, even going at it in a creative fashion!

Does your characters have something to limit themselves before popping off at full power (Weighted training clothes, weights, mental blocks, etc)?

6 13

Feel the power!

What was (In your opinion) the best power/zenkai boost moment your OC went through?

5 17

Everyone goes by this: Tired

Which of your OCs can affect people and make them sleepy/tired.

5 27