Tori wondered at what point minotaurs suddenly needed weapons to seem threatening, but was at least glad that they were given clothes now.

3 13

It was only after the party that Luna discovered how hard it is to clean raspberry jam out of fur.

5 12

| October & Co. 50 - Welfare | - Always ask for permission before testing staff welfare.

6 17

| October & Co. 49 - Impact | - The basement only survived because of all of the vibe-proofing.

4 8

| October & Co. 48 - Adversarial | - Conflict is the mother of invention. The father is serendipity. It was an accident.

6 18

| October & Co. 46 - Vibrations | - I can't hear myself think! Cheers!

6 15

| October & Co. 44 - Surgery | - October often surprises people with how adept they are at the Hokey Cokey.

6 15

| October & Co. 43 - Diagnosis | - I'm told mouthwash helps with that. Wait, no, that's plaque...

6 14

| October & Co. 42 - Due Process | - This is what happens if you make your constructs without using only the freshest flesh.

8 14

| October & Co. 41 - Hazard | - Funnily enough though they're not a bad dancer.

7 12

| October & Co. 40 - Scour | - So we replace the floor, yeah?

6 22

| October & Co. 39 - Jetsam | - If anyone can help me work out how October runs I'd be very grateful.

6 18

| October & Co. 38 - Wager | - "I don't owe you anything." "Wanna bet?"

5 17

| October & Co. 37 - Sleight | - Do you remember these friends? They remember you. And what pocket your wallet's in.

6 10

| October & Co. 36 - Addendum | - Okay, no, but imagine, like, trying to do yoga when none of your clothes fit...

7 20

| October & Co. 35 - Seconds | - And now for and unscheduled amendment.

6 16

| October & Co. 34 - Hours | - I personally find myProductionBoost increases productivity by 1.72% which is great, it just takes 20 hours to set up.

6 16

| October & Co. 33 - Minutes | - Okay, I've pencilled in your request and we shall put it up for a vote next January.

6 16

| October & Co. 32 - Retribution | - It's a rare oroboroast.

6 30

| October & Co. 31 - Eaves | - Someone in supplies just placed an order for new window panes just from hearing Tori get excited.

6 21