My comment is more about: "How do you defeat rich oligarchs that feed on capitalism?" my answer is "by starving them", becoming independent, and not favoring initiatives that reinforce centralization of power and communication

sorry for rambling a lot, here's big titty Shocker

2 18

Tragic votes; oligarchs, agri-lobbies & cheap politicians threaten our future, misuse our taxes for selfish short-term greed, destroy biodiversity & climate - lessons of COVID be damned, their cynicism helps us continue to hurtle towards nature's armageddon; fight on

13 28

His clothes may rags, but at least he has a diamond house. "Diamond oligarchs only."

Day 5 of is Shiny, and nothing is shinier than the Priest's house, Mr. Declan himself.

Should stop leaving these drawings so late in the day if I wanna finish 'em well

0 10


Please take urgent actions concerning the current crisis in Komodo National Park,
a “World Heritage Site”,
a “Man&Biosphere Reserve”,
the home of the endangered
Komodo dragon.

5 12

This is not about writing blank checks for you and your corporate oligarchs!

4 4

Sad day to be English. The once intellectual powerhouse of the western world. Now, dumbed down puppets of megalomaniacs and oligarchs.

1 6

Boris Johnson & the Tories have received funding from Russian Oligarchs. Any wonder that they're reluctant to release a report shows the extent of corruption with the 2016 Referendum, with potential for more of the same in 2019!

44 53

Boris Johnson & the Tories have received funding from Russian Oligarchs...any wonder they're reluctant to release a report showing the extent of corruption with the 2016 Referendum & potential for more of the same in 2019...

41 58

Boris Johnson & the Tories have received funding from Russian Oligarchs...any wonder that they're reluctant to release a report shows the extent of corruption with the 2016 Referendum & potential for more of the same in 2019...


55 53

Boris Johnson & the Tories have received funding from Russian Oligarchs...any wonder that they're reluctant to release a report shows the extent of corruption with the 2016 Referendum and the potential for more of the same in 2019...


363 404

An election with a system that only able to deliver two pairs of silly candidates, just a contestation of the oligarchs, there is no ideological debate or campaign, but only hashtag exchange in social media. That what gives us electile dysfunction

2 2

He will go down in history as an enabler of the 1% to sack America and to enable the worst President in our history. What national pride can you have Paul Ryan,you gave us up to the Russians for a tax cut for the American oligarchs.

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