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win lose lose 1 win orb, Tier4 ARAM clash, ggwp~#leagueoflegends

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win win lose orb, ggwp~ tier4

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鍵はあれども箱あらずhonor lv3 orb

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im free from noita (33 orb run and supernova OUGH)

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ty team, I got a torophy. win win win orb

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tier 4 clash win lose win, 2win orb

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that look your girl gives you when she's about to tell you she accidentally left the red orb back in lilycove

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3 win orb, ty team, clash ARAM tier 4

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This is adorable so I had to draw the orb ponderer https://t.co/I1img4Z9sB

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lose 不戦勝 loseでした。jannaでずっと死んでた、なんでだろ。ggwp~ 1 win clash orb

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clash 2nd orb? An error displayed at the end of the final game. 最後結果画面で報酬エラーっていうの出たからかな?8位のorbになってる。明日までに2位orbのチケット補填してほしいなー

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Today's Haiku (#7)

The Daily Arcane
Current sorcery affairs.
Pondering my orb.


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ARAM clash game 3, 2人いなくなったかで投票yes押してたんだけど、キャンセルすることになってしまった。orbは昨日の1勝オーブなのかな

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