A familiar face in the Palazzo Corsini! Rembrandt as St.Paul, in fact, was once owned by a cardinal Corsini, before it returned to Amsterdam via English art dealers in the 19th century. Beautifully shown here alongside several Rembrandt etchings (<the Accademia dei Lincei).

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https://t.co/TqNRqitG3J - Dal 21 febbraio al 15 giugno le Gallerie Nazionali di Arte Antica presentano la mostra “Rembrandt alla Galleria Corsini: l’Autoritratto come san Paolo”. L'articolo di per https://t.co/kvTHUGKvB8

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Contrappunti è alla Galleria per l’anteprima stampa della "Rembrandt alla Galleria Corsini: l’Autoritratto come san Paolo", a cura di Alessandro Cosma.

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"Are you a Forebear? Because I'll go anywhere with you."

"You're turning me into a sword-singer, because I'm forming a Shehai."

"Would you like to visit Orsinium with me? I have an interesting idea for how we could burn it down together."

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Winter uniform, Gorsinian uniform, Vogen Campaign uniform, Orbital Defense uniform

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rasgan vestiduras por la Maite Orsini comiéndose una empaná' en Zapallar pero mutis por el foro cuando, curá' como tagua, Aracely Leuquén se mandó flor de espectáculo en restaurante de Las Condes, y en horario laboral; bien facholandia, cada día más hipócritas

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Granmorsinia, el pokemon guajolote, un ave territorial y agresiva, las glándulas verdes en su cuerpo emiten un miasma muy venenoso que se expande por su territorio.

Granmorsinia, the turkey pokemon, a territorial and agressive bird, it's green glands emits a venomous miasma all-

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Totoxin y Granmorsinia, fakemons basados en los guajolotes y el dios guajolote azteca Chalchiuhtotolin, dios de las enfermedades y la plaga.
Totoxin and Granmorsinia, fakemons based on turkeys and the aztec turkey god Chalchiuhtotolin, god of diseases and plagues.

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"Aquesta és una professió afortunada: amb entusiasme i
paciencia és una bella dedicació. Peró no és una feina per
guanyar-se la vida. Hi ha moltes altres maneres de guanyar-se cómodament la vida. Aquesta és una manera de buscar-se responsabilitats." Arquitecte F.J. Barba Corsini

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Domani, 23 ottobre ore 11, anteprima della mostra "L’enigma del reale. Ritratti e nature morte dalla Collezione Poletti e dalle Gallerie Nazionali Appuntamento alla Galleria Corsini con https://t.co/kvTHUGKvB8 .

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Mercoledì in Corsini sarà possibile visitare in anteprima la mostra “L’enigma del reale. Ritratti e nature morte dalla Collezione Poletti e dalle Gallerie Nazionali Barberini Corsini” a cura di Paola Nicita.
Partecipa e condividi con

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How to explain dinosaur smudges on your clothes? There might be a tip in Bill Nagelkereke’s ‘Sarah Saw a Triceratops’ (Blast Off Oct ’19), Cheryl Orsini illustrator. https://t.co/zTN31ora68
Subscribed to TSM yet? https://t.co/4vrop18leW

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The Impact Of Kyoto Animation: 5 Things You Need To Know https://t.co/bdb3dfZml9

Par Lauren Orsini

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An intimate glimpse into Ayzenberg Phase 2. Featuring Rick Corsini discussing the design/implementation for this amazing space. https://t.co/eQGHTJxyUf

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https://t.co/QSrbbCIOUo - "La quadreria Corsini rappresenta l'esempio più significativo di collezione fidecommissa a Roma: tale istituto imponendo agli eredi il divieto di alienare le opere d'arte ne ha garantito la conservazione".

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https://t.co/20Jw4Krzrs - Al Vascello affascinanti felini sono saliti idealmente sul palco evocati come in un incantesimo dalla voce di Umberto Orsini, autore dello spettacolo “A proposito di gatti” assieme a Paolo Di Paolo.

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Hello, Jennifer! A character designer and background artist looking for freelance work is here!💫
✨This is my website https://t.co/MiPQX3P8O2
Hit me up via PM or corsini.caterina.com if you find me interesting. 😊

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Had the honor of meeting the one & only a little while ago at the Borsini-Burr Gallery. Amazing to see his originals & chat with the master himself. Inevitably, I've had gargoyles on the brain. This piece is called Misty Mystical because, of course, it amuses me.

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Da non perdere! Giovedì dalle 18 in Galleria Corsini "Vasari per Bindo Altoviti. Il Cristo portacroce". Anteprima gratuita e apertura straordinaria. Partecipa e condividi con:

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A recent bug is showing foggy weather in dungeons. Bug or not, these Orsinium screenshots by forumer King of Worms just ooze atmosphere. Would be awesome to see this turned into a mod someday.

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