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Halls of the Blood King (2021) is by Diogo Nogueira and illustrated by Justine Jones. I keep asking “How weird can OSE get?” and this one starts to answer it in gloriously gothic fashion. ¶ The Blood King’s castle manifests, Krull-like, during the blood moon eclipse, from wh…
Introduced our game group to OSE last night via @Unenthuser and @KingQyote’s Tangled funnel.
They loved all the backgrounds and only about a quarter of their PCs have died in the first three locations, so far so good!
ose and is the top poet in the entire Literature Club. You are nothing to her but just another target to write about. She will write the fuck about you with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away wi
C'est juste hallucinant de voir ce que tu peux faire juste en bidouillant deux minutes avec cette IA. J'ose pas imaginer quand tu maitrises et que ce ne sera plus une simple beta #midjourney
Last few days of Old-School Solo Adventures for #OldSchoolEssentials! Ends Saturday 27th, 8pm Central. 4 choose-your-own style solo adventures. A range of power levels. Add-on quick reference cards. Some pledges include the Rules Tome if you're new to OSE.
@GrognardYoung We are working on a book for our Wilderkind which will include 5E and OSR rules based on Castles & Crusades, should be easily adaptable to OSE!
I flew too ose to the sun today 😭
Tried to leave my home to get a bit of movement since my surgery and now my entire body is in fire 😭😭😭
Send help ty
「逢瀬 ( ose_sugar833 - Instagram ) 」
#逢瀬 #出現画廊
Si y'a bien une série dans ma collection de manga que j'ose même plus regarder c'est mes tales of the abyss... il me manque juste le tome 7 et il est introuvable 😭😭
Y'a aussi kobato et angelic layer qui me manque des tomes mais sa me fait moins mal haha
Les Presento a el Leopardo Ose, cuentan que es un felino que proviene del averno y su destreza le ha conseguido posicionarse en los mas altos escaños del infierno.
Comisión pedida por @JuanNegric
Chaewon W..ose 😢😅
#Chaewon #Lesserafim #KimChaewon
@lightafIame Up there w/ Chika snow fairy UR !!! Et si j'ose dire UTA pri en ont des biens aussi !!!
@nossinou Allez, j'ose. Merci pour le coup de pouce 😊 Je fais du digital painting et de l'aquarelle 👌