Finished my overly complex setup that mixes Cycles GPU and OSL shaders together. Now i can start making my own versions of meme images.

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【OSL】Presents information

Operation MM…

Special coming soon……

Lol over roll over………


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GPU Shaders mixed with ToonKit OSL line art (and some Freestyle.) Flexible, but takes a lot of setup. I have a GPU Scene and a CPU scene with instanced objects that having different Object Indices. The Object Index is used to mix between regular shaders and ToonKit ones.

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Starting to build up a flatter toon shader for my using Cycles ToonKit OSL nodes. This lets me do hard toon shading better, and also control shadow color. Their new version lets you set a world ambient color, which is handy. Also using some AO.

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has released 2020. The update adds new OSL-based toon shading capabilities, built-in greenscreen keying, and improves viewport animation playback speeds by up to 2x

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City of Kings - Earthshaker
Getting a little better with that OSL stuff...

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How to use RandomInstanceColor.osl by Milanm to also randomize uvs other non instanced objects with BG Random UV Projection osl node:

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Rebuilt my Miku toon shader using Cycles ToonKit OSL nodes. Pretty happy with it! Now I can tint my shadows and use normal editing without artifacts. But if I want bounce light, will have to composite it from a GPU layer.

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「月曜日西地区 "か " 43a」に配置されました!

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OSL4輪ジムか〜な!?第3戦 は8/5明日開催です!事前エントリー分を掲載しました。当日エントリー希望の方は7:10頃お越しください。

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Create incredibly advanced OSL materials in Cycles. The OSL Programming Nodes add-on makes it possible!

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Create incredibly advanced OSL materials in Cycles. The OSL Programming Nodes add-on makes it possible!

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明日はOSL4輪ジムか〜な第3戦だよ☆♫ ٩( ´ᆺ`)۶♫ ★
さりげなくBrave Wingって書いてある!!(  Д ) ゚ ゚

9 27

製本作業入り。「Rendering学習日記」日曜日西地区“f”ブロック-24a 新刊「17歳からのRenderMan×blenderもっと仲良し編」34pの薄い本です。

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OSL3xhdGuEh3aeZEmFy2ysE5 灰田さんに教えてもらったやり方再チャレンジ!!俺には向かないぜぇぇ!!

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