We will not go down without a fight!

Roar by Megan McManus ⁠
graphite pencil and marker on paper, 16.5"x14"⁠


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10th STORY〜未来へのSTARWAY〜を観た記念(?)に、3年前の芸カ19、20頒布の2作品をWeb公開しました!あおいちゃんに憧れる子の話、ソレイユがOurDreamツアー開催に至る話、です!お時間あるときぜひ〜



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Dash se diverte assistindo futebol com seu melhor amigo Diego, enquanto seu namorado fica fazendo as tarefas domésticas.
•Macho Alfa: Dash
•Namorado do Dash: Johnny
•Melhor Amigo do Dash: Diego

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4. Writing number 2 from Lampung and Roman script
5. Red thread, as a symbol of destiny and romance.
6. One of the characteristics of the character I created in YourDream is the presence of a Halo above the head.

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Dash se divertindo com seus amigos. Ainda não pensei em um nome para o personagem de corpo amarelo, ele é um valentão.

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You know where they go ;3
🖼: defenderofyourdreams

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Been listening to Walt Disney: The Triumph of the American Imagination, by Neal Gabler. Walt led a very interesting life full of hardships, successes, crushing defeats, a determination to realize his dreams. I can’t help but admire him for it.

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Este é um pedido do , pediu para desenhar ele e seu namorado. Que todos possam viver seus sonhos.

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Dash e Johnny, são os meus personagens principais. Dash é um "narcisista", e Johnny é uma pessoa que faz amizade com todos, Johnny é muito carinhoso e atencioso com Dash, Dash confia muito no Johnny e o ama verdadeiramente.

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Dragonair Use Dragon Dance!
A Pokemon Fan Character I made years ago and recently redid! Dalla, a Dragon Master from Johto and Lance's Mother! The third image is her old design I made when I was 13-15?💙

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A couple of lineless for my friends! I made these last year I think, still pretty happy with them, especially the one on the left!
They belong to and @/sourdreamer respectively

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Este é o Smile, OC do meu amigo , espero que vocês gostem. Eu gostei.

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