probably gonna drop this cause i feel like im not even decent enough to continue again but ig overpaintng practice even tho it looks like shit

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4 11

This was more of a idea/concept painting, just want to see what things look like. Defiantly gonna explore more of this in the future. ☀️

3 24


✖️Twitch : YouCha0325
✖️Twitter :
✖️Fan Art :

黑街外 outside black street : Left
黑街內 Inside black street : Right

13 35

Want to mint my paintning experiments somewhere on
What marketplace I should use?

0 5

Powerful, timeless metaphors loaded with symbolism. The work of German painter Hans-Hendrik Grimmling (b. 1947) is characterized by strong expressive rhythm and bold use of black.

0 6

Thanks for the motivtional speech dear :D trying new things can be fun!

1 5

Mau coba taro speedpaintnya disini krn gatau knp aku bisa enjoy gambar kak Arlecchino dan artstyle lain ini sangat cepat dikerjakan hehe

1 5

nihh speed drawnya hehe 👍 aku klo sketsa lebih suka di kertas dibanding di app ibis paintnya langsung 🧎‍♀️

1 10

Abstract paintnig "Feelings are not lost"
* stretched canvas
* size 60*40 cm

0 1