Broly was great. This was not. The plot so contrived, very unnecessarily needing to use cell again. New forms are whatever. Happy to see some characters get some light. CG... UGHHH I did not like the look at all, please go back...

0 4

Onipan, It was popcorn entertainment. The worries I had with the synopsis of this story were put away with it being actually *WHOLESOME* and not anything bad. My thoughts are all summed up by my friend here

0 2

Classic Magical Girl series, that some popular ones have been inspired by heavily. I really enjoyed our cast! Addictive dub songs. Villians have some depth to them. Zakuro was my fave. Lots of fashion. Mew Mew Style, Mew Mew Grace, Mew Mew Power in your face!

0 3

Extremely over the top golf, the girls are hyper gei, cyborgs, mafia, vampires, and pac-man. WHAT'S NOT TO LOVE? This made golf exciting, ready for the second cour in the winter! Eve and Aoi Forever! Vipère my beloved snake woman~

1 10

"Humor subjective" Jokes run on for FAR TOO LONG... This show's point tho is to annoy you and even with this knowledge I found it more boring than anything. I like some dry humor but this was beyond my level. Character designs are cool and good VA work.

0 3

Kaguya s3, more great comedy, more romantic adventure, and more pushing characters to their limits. Masterfully crafted series, that explores "the chase" very well. GREAT RAP. Chadigami. Fujiwara chaos. Cute Iino. Kaguya/Shirogane's whole dynamic 🔥

1 8

Shitstorm. The plot of being a nobody is lost entirely, they are still OP and the big somebody the whole show. We get insanely bad time travel and harem troupes in this. Nothing more than a cash grab for some terrible ecchi? Skip this show, avoid it.

0 3

Season 2 of this is a mess. First half went a far lewder touch. Second half went hard on emotional messages. More science babble thrown in. Final Episode was such a gut punch... we get a sao rape villian. Now Kanade loves Yukimura.. All over the place with this

0 2

1 minute long mahjong soul comedy skits, nothing much to this, rating it against all other anime it probably does hit average. Character sometimes looks like shao from WaM. Taught me how to play mahjong when I played the game. Comedy was ok~

0 2

It's just like in the game! Another Isekai anime~ WITH VERY BUTCHED DESIGNS!!! The story of our mob wants to mob it up... but he can't mob it up. He knows the world inside and out. Genres just thrown at each other for this one. Got some humor out of it...

0 6

Yuusha Yamemasu, had a lot of promise at the start and then It went full on lore dumps... I liked the characters, and the va work. The story on the otherhand is kinda pointless. It just feels like nothing revolutionary is accomplished with this show. Leo unRIP

1 4

The easiest 10 out of 10 series for me, this is my favorite anime. Not Joking. Kongming and Owner raise their daughter to be the best singer ever via stratgems. If you like music in your anime look no further. I hope one day we get season 2 of Paripi Koumei.

2 18

Raising children and getting attacked by the antibookworms~ MORE DADS!!! MORE MAGIC!! Less episodes. One story has ended but another will continue... hopefully... ;C

1 11

Wacky Adventure series from the 90s, I enjoyed it quite a bit, has a pretty ehhhh ending... but it's really all about the journey~ The comedy hits pretty good even today. Enjoyed getting to know are wacky cast as it went on.

0 2