After learning 5E Ghosts of Saltmarsh is set in Greyhawk, I wanted to share this. Darlene Jean Pekul's (now just DARLENE) 1980 map of the Flanaess as depicted in the World of Greyhawk Folio. Almost 40-years later, her work is a big part of history.

26 118

Täällä on nyt paljon spekuloitu, että uudet perustuvat muka Britanniaan. Esitän tässä vaihtoehtoisen teorian, jonka uskon saavan tukea

176 539

Ich hab zurzeit mega Lust auf Spekulatius Kekse..

0 29

For Darlene Jean Pekul's (now just DARLENE) 1980 map of the Flanaess as depicted in the World of Greyhawk Folio. In an age of mostly b/w printing this poster sized, full color map was special. Almost 40 years later her work is part of D&D history.

43 162

[Spekulation] Zeigt das neue CoroCoro-Cover eventuell eine alternative Wolwerock-Form?

2 19