Yonic Phallic Cellular Expression Dimorphism Seraphim

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The emasculation of phallic mommy

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"the phallic pillars of creation", imaged by hubble https://t.co/4rqHaYTO6l

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why are the hot dogs Buggy is eating in the stampede dinner spread so phallic

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You knew the horn had to be phallic shaped 🤣🤘🏽🦄

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May this 3rd leg honor your appreciation of the phallic Mr Beeps.

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I feel like would appreciate this phallic-like "3rd leg" of the bullrun + cryptoad

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They literally stated it was sexual,

Why do you think the Xenomorphs have a Phallic design?

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This is how the modern Sonic model actually looks to me why is he so phallic??? https://t.co/RxU19AChk4

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On we scamper! Here's Musks from (follow them now - pure wonderment!) , some wholly appropriate phallic fun from & more great stuff from

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Fuck it heres four of em
-Hyde doesn't know how to tie her shoes
-Merlin's got a kinda phallic birthmark on the inside of her left calve
-Violetta is so scared of ducks she once fainted to a rubber ducky
-MHR Player Character has a secret hobby of photographing sleeping monsters https://t.co/gZAkDZWnqY

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Joe Petagno's facehugger concept art for Alien (1979)

Dan O'Bannon's original idea was that the facehugger would have a phallic tube that would ejaculate a semen like fluid into Kane's throat to impregnate him. Ridley Scott rejected this as too explicit.

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Wahhh nyooo Mashiii ;;
I iust meant to simp on your handwriting! Mine could be considered foot writing- I…

Also this is oddly phallic, I apologise…

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Latest on talks gender/violence: “Jamie attacking Psylocke with a banana mixes the real with the absurd in a way that, if I’m being generous, mocks phallic power. But phallic power is also required to defeat Jamie.” -


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Art by my friend PhallicFiction!
Left to right: Dolly, Victoria, Twig, Mica, Claire, Cupid, Ilixia, Reese, Isabelle, Kahlua

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Magical pagoda totally looks phallic too

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GLITTER VIPERS explores the legitimacy and value of queer rage, in a neon noir glitter grindhouse revenge fantasy

As drag queen Bi Phallicia forms a street gang to protect the Manchester Gay Village from 'phobes and bigots with a sequined baseball bat


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This was a Sub-exclusive for two years, now freely available to the tasteful masses. There are two phallic symbols in this image; can y'find 'em?

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Compulsively draws phallic things but make it cute

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