Fantastic paper from Miyo Morita's team : "Polar recruitment of RLD by LAZY1-like protein during gravity signaling in root branch angle control"

LAZYs are slowly unveiling their secrets. Look at the gnom-like phenotype of the rld quad!

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Hi friends, I've started a lab at Harvard and I'm looking to hire a post-doc! We identify genetic associations in natural populations, test them by making mutants in the lab, and study the development that brings genotype and phenotype together = ). Ad:

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Back to some Destiny art with the Titan ornament: Phenotype Plasticity I believe. I'm not checking on whether I'm right. I'm just going to post it and move on.

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"Ammon." Phenotype suggests features of a Egyptian jackal, but actual ancestry is unknown. Has the power to hear voices of ghosts. Because this was mistaken as schizophrenia at a young age, he did not interact with peers often and thus has difficulty socializing.

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Marvelous work relating genotypes and image phenotype in DCM patients.
*Desmoplaquin(DSP) and Filamin (FLNC) genotypes, 80% with subepicardial LGE ring-like pattern (ALVC). Less EF and GLS impairment than other DCMs gens, + scar burden.

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Art from my comic's lore section on Khen-Rho: Phenotype

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another one for the - the beautiful the Quagga Project is trying to recreate the phenotype (appearance) of their hair coat pattern and related characteristics by selectively Burchell's zebras, but these are not genetically true quaggas.

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Alexander Anderson on the evolution of cancer metaphenotypes

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 by Paradise Seeds

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A quick time and an uplifting this adapatable brings easy to grow management with a result that is and

2 2

Patterns of TDP-43 pathology can be used to distinguish between clinical phenotypes

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J.J.Emerson: disconnecting fitness and phenotype.

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