Behold, the majestic Paraphysornis, aptly nicknamed "Terror Bird." See how it proudly surveys its surrounding, king of the Miocene plains.

Majestic indeed... not so much when they're young. 😂

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It’s early time! The wasn’t the most eye-pleasing bird, but it was certainly smarter than its dodo counterpart. Maybe. I think. I don’t really know prehistoric birds if I’m gonna be completely honest here!

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EMCrit RACC Podcast 218 - Physostigmine with

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The long and gracile neck of Lucianovenator bonoi, another new coelophysoid dinosaur from the latest Triassic of Argentina.

By Ricardo Martinez et al in the latest issue of

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physoplexis comosa フィソプレキシス コモサ 別名devil's claw 悪魔の爪。ヨーロッパ・アルプスの岩場に咲く高山植物。鋸歯のある葉や尖った花が悪魔を連想させるのだろうけど、印象は可愛い小悪魔ってところ。

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