Have you seen this beautiful combination between luca and WALL-E? Looks spectacular ✨❤️

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they deserve some rest after such a long day 🥰🥰

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But then, what would be of us if we don’t cross paths again❔

6 41

Can’t describe how happy this movie makes me ❤️
I even started learning Italian jajaja

49 243

I like the idea that Alberto and Massimo do up Giulia's treehouse to make it more comfortable but still leave an open roof so Luca can look at the stars/fish.

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I can’t choose🤔blue sky or no blue sky🤔🤔

3 13

This is inspired by Luca’s Grandma said she beat a guy at card.
And I often see people in the city playing card,so I think maybe Alberto will learn a little bit about that🤔

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[Luca and Alberto are 20-21 in this picture]

Took a quote I remembered from Mama Mia (The Movie) and made it luberto cause why not.

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Alberto gives exclusively wrong answers to life's big questions. But at least he's cute, right? (1/2)

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me gusta pensar que Alberto ayuda a luca durante el verano con sus deberes jasajs
insta: bish0_s

8 123

lo hice medio rápido, por eso esta medio raro jsjs, estoy tratando cosas nuevas, aunque no se noten mucha diferencia :3

◬Art by➤Me © Emiseraly-Niau

3 24

For my Luca demon angel AU, this is how they first met. Luca found Alberto on a cloud, but his wings are too small so he can’t fly.
How did he get in the sky? He lived with his dad but then got abandoned by him, and now he can’t get down.

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