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'Equilibrium' bronze, 70 x 35 x 29 cm by gallery artist Rogerio Timoteo is currently available at the gallery. For more information about this delightful sculpture email info@plusonegallery.com or visit the artist's page on our website! #hyperrealism #plusonegallery #sculpture
Paul Day's sculptures in terracotta, resin and bronze amalgamate architecture and people in such three-dimensional reliefs that the subjects and themes come to life with captivating realism and transfixing detail. 'City Girl' bronze, 63 x 39 x 23 cm. #hyperrealism #plusonegallery
本日8月7日「Loft PlusOne West」(大阪)にて「彩「甲鉄城のカバネリ」美樹本晴彦アートワークス」刊行記念トークショー&サイン会「ミキモトガタリ in大阪」が19:30から開催中
当日券があるのでお近くの方はお急ぎ下さい https://t.co/krLSlK5A1h #カバネリ
A few images of the fantastic oil on canvas by Adolfo Bigioni, this painting measures 60 x 60 cm... a beautiful addition to any home.🍊
#hyperrealism #paitning #art #artwork #artist #plusonegallery #home #design #stilllife #artgallery #fruit
Heeey, it's another tiny cartoon Season 11 Scully pic, this one from Plus One! Featuring adorable Scully jammies!
Poor tiny Scully can't sleep. (I hear Mulder's got a little something for that, though.)
#TheXFiles #fanart #XFPlusOne
【アズールレーン】C94でYostar×plusoneで合体ブースで出展! アズールレーン速報 https://t.co/l3pe6o9k1L #アズールレーン #碧蓝航线 #벽람항로 #AzurLane
【C93】plusone出展情報!しまどりる先生のオルタニキクリアファイル、衛宮ごはんTAa先生キーホルダーetc https://t.co/vnoTmjUnzl #fatego
会場:大阪Loft PlusOne West
1. 북미판 페그오의 잭 일러라고 돌아다니는 이건 가짜. 처음에 올린 사람도 공식이 아니라고 언급했음.
2. 톨포 or 잔느 수영복 실루엣이라 돌아다니는 이건 plusone에서 제작할 이타샤에 사용될 일러스트의 실루엣. 이미 저번달 말에 공개된거.
6/8(木)Loft PlusOne Westにて「人は見た目が100パーセント」イベント開催!- ニュース | Rooftop https://t.co/aY6RdbZ0eG
【brilliantdays6】PlusOne【みか宗】 | ぴぴぴ(°-° )チ76a #pixiv https://t.co/hsLo5CKnIP
みかちゃんと宗くんが仲睦まじく生きてくれればそれでいいです脱稿しました!!!(°-°💞 )よろしくお願いします!!!!!!
Reel by @plusoneams
2016: our harvest so far
#plusone #motion #design https://t.co/mt8NbQzkMi
「ハルチカ」BD&DVD予約受付中!PLUSONEオンラインショップでは描き下ろしSDグッズが特典に♪全巻購入特典のなまにく先生描き下ろしタペストリーがゲットできるのはここだけですよ☆ https://t.co/hBqXBbRXda
Be Sexy, Be Smart: Short Film by PlusOne Amsterdam http://t.co/6Qfizqwg1C / @plusoneams