#pokeOTD 19 years ago (US), Ash had a battle versus Jackson/Vincent and ties with him which qualifies him for the Top 16. It was also revealed that Harrison and Gary also made the Top 16 as well. We also got the reveal of Harrison's Miltank. #anipoke#pokemon#アニポケ
#pokeOTD 19 years ago (US), the Silver Conference begins! Ash, Gary and Harrison all win their screening battles to qualify for the Conference and the it began. To me, as a whole, this was one of the best leagues because it truly felt like a regional tournament. #anipoke#pokemon
#pokeOTD 16 years ago (US), Ash challenged and defeated Greta of the Kanto Battle Frontier to earn him the Guts Symbol. It was fun to see Snorlax back in action in this one as well as Ash defeating Greta pretty easily. What did you think of this battle? #anipoke#pokemon
#pokeOTD 17 years ago (JPN), Ash and friends get to Saffron City, where May obtains a Contest Pass making her eligible to compete in Kanto contests. Overall, did you prefer Hoenn or Kanto Contests and why? #anipoke#pokemon
#pokeOTD 4 years ago (JPN), Ash reunites with Brock and Misty. This episode had a lot of cool things, but it even had the debut of Mew in the TV series. Who's return was done better: Brock or Misty? #anipoke#pokemon
#pokeOTD 14 years ago (US), May returned to the anime to compete in the Wallace Cup! Her return was amazing and is definitely among the best character returns in the history of the anime. Even though I feel she got robbed in the Wallace Cup, what do you think? #anipoke#pokemon
#pokeOTD 20 years ago (JPN), was the debut of my favorite character in the anime - Harrison! He would debut in this episode and catch a Sneasel that was causing problems, and also showed off Blaziken, a Gen 3 starter! What did you think about Harrison? #anipoke#pokemon
#pokeOTD 17 years ago (US), May won her third contest against none other than... Kelly. Yeah, she was just a COTD but she appeared again in Pokemon Journeys Episode 118, so she must be kind of popular I guess. What did you think of her character? #anipoke#pokemon
#pokeOTD 16 years ago (US), James had Mime JR join his team, and it instantly became an icon. This did come at the cost of leaving Chimecho, which was sad to see. Which of the two did you like more, as for me I'd go with Mime JR! #anipoke#pokemon
#pokeOTD 8 years ago (US), Korrina's Lucario learns how to fully and permanently control itself while Mega Evolved. This wrapped up a pretty good storyline for this Lucario and would then have Korrina leaving the group. Thoughts on her Lucario? #anipoke#pokemon#アニポケ
#pokeOTD 20 years ago (JPN), little Larvitar finally left with it's mother and stayed at Ranger Mason's preserve. It was a sad event, I really wish that Larvitar had stayed with Ash though, but at least it got the happy ending that it deserved. #anipoke#pokemon#アニポケ
#pokeOTD 19 years ago (JPN), Ash's Treeko learned one of his most iconic moves: Bullet Seed! I always loved seeing him use this move in the anime, and it would make me always teach it to him before getting to Rustburo City. What did you think of this move? #anipoke#pokemon
#pokeOTD 16 years ago (JPN), Ash finally defeats Brandon winning the Brave Symbol and entering the Battle Frontier Hall of Fame! Scott even offered Ash a position as a Frontier Brain, but Ash declined it. How could would it be if he actually went down that path? #pokemon#anipoke
#pokeOTD 20 years ago (JPN), the quest to travel with Larvitar continues. The gang runs into Unown which unlocks Larvitars memories and we see it's mother, Tyranitar. What did you think of this episode? #anipoke#pokemon
#pokeOTD 12 years ago (JPN), Ash battles and loses to Tobias in the semifinals of the Lily of the Valley Conference. It was super hype to see Sceptile taking out Darkrai, and then jaw dropping seeing Latios coming aright after. Thoughts on Tobias? #anipoke#pokemon
#pokeOTD 3 years ago (JPN), Gladion defeated Kiawe to advance to the finals. Ash had started his battle with Guzma as well. Which of these two semi final battles did you think were better? #anipoke#pokemon#アニポケ
#pokeOTD 2 years ago (JPN), we got introduced to Bea and she would end up in a battle with Ash in the World Coronation Series. This battle would be his only (major) loss in the World Coronation Series in Pokemon Journeys, which is insane to think about. #anipoke#pokemon
#pokeOTD 7 years ago (US), Ash's egg would hatch into a Noibat that he would later catch and be one of his XY team members. What are your thoughts on Ash's Noibat/Noivern? #anipoke#pokemon
#pokeOTD 13 years ago (US), Dawn's Mamoswine begins to obey her finally! This Pokemon became a powerhouse on her team, and easily is one of her strongest in terms of raw strength. Thoughts on Dawn's Mamoswine? #anipoke#pokemon#アニポケ
#pokeOTD 8 years ago (JPN), Ash and friends entered into a Pokemon Summer Camp and would meet Tierno, Trevor and Shauna there. Serena has her first battle and loses due to a "first touch" rule. What did you think of this summer camp? #anipoke#pokemon#アニポケ