New Pokehuman - Klefki

"Little" fairy gonna steal your keys.

4 9

New Pokehuman - Tornadus

This was some practice on profile and male anatomy, although most of the anatomy is covered up. But I swear it looked good in the sketch xD

3 8

New Pokehuman - Phantump

Phantump is a spirit that possessed a tree stump. The human version is a spirit possessed by the forest. Once it takes over her whole body, she'll become Trevenant.

5 10

New Pokehuman - Blissey

Hope those curls look good, I've always had some trouble with drawing those xD

5 12

New Pokehuman - Meloetta, Aria Form

I had a lot of fun doing this one because it's already a pretty design on its own.

4 9

New Pokehuman - Wynaut

I could make a pun but it'd be so cringe, but then again, why not?

2 6

New Pokehuman - Cranidos

I was never really for the dino pokemon.

3 6

New Pokehuman - Eevee

I have been waiting for so long to draw this one. Finally the randomizer gave it xD I tried to make her sort of unique.

6 10

New Pokehuman - Sandile

She looks like a Poketrainer ^^

4 12

New Pokehuman - Cresselia

Ngl, I was very much looking forward to this one. Cresselia is one of my faves in terms of design and I wanted to make her just as beautiful.

10 18

New Pokehuman - Regirock

Yeah, this was very hard (no pun intended) to design xD Because I had Regice as an ice queen, I wanted Regirock be a princess/queen too. Not easy, I tell ya!

6 12

New Pokehuman - Drakloak

Don't take away her plush, you really don't want to take away her plush.

6 10

New Pokehuman - Kingdra

Technically a redraw :3 I think I like the new design more, it fits better with Kingdra's vibe.
(New is on the left, old on the right)

3 11

New Pokehuman - Clefable

It surprises me how I didn't see a lot of Sailor Moon-inspired designs

9 15

New Pokehuman - Goldeen
I felt like the typical kimono was a bit overdone so I tried to give her a more casual gown with a sash.

3 9

New Pokehuman - Cubone
Didn't want to do the usual sad Cubone that you see a lot, I wanted to make this a fighter!

3 15