Hey my Poke Peeps! Pokemon abilities sometimes only assist a pokemon when it has particular moves. Whats your favourite Pokemon with Oblivious? Mines Slowbro!

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Hey my Poke Peeps! Do you think Froslass deserves a Mega (Gigantamax Form) which is your favourite Snorunt evolution? Mines Froslass!

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nº 130!
Probopass wins!
679 left.
Who would beat them all?

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Hey my Poke Peeps! Second Evolutions often get overshadowed by their final evolutions. Whats your favourite Generation 1 Second evolution? Mines Ivysaur!

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Hey my Poke Peeps! Some abilities can be used strategically to gain a competitive edge! Aftermath allows for some last minute damage. Whats your favourite Aftermath Pokemon? Mines Skuntank

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Hey my Poke Peeps! Bug Pokemon are often forgotten but there mega evolutions have made them so much more used. Whats your favourite Bug Megan? Mines Beedrill!

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Hey my Poke Peeps! Eevee is one of the most memorable pokemon in the game. Whats your favourite First Gen Eevolution? Mines Mega Vaporeon!

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Hey my Poke Peeps! Mega Evolution added a lot to the game, whats your favourite Legendary Mega Evolution? Mines Mega Rayquaza!

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Hey my Poke Peeps! One of my favourite early game pokemon is Nidoking! Which do you prefer, the Nidoking line or the Nidoqueen line?

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Hey my Poke Peeps! A lot of Pokemon are based on well known animals, whats your favourite Snake based Pokemon? Mines Arbok!

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Hey my Poke Peeps! Pokemon abilities offer a variety of new features and elements to battling Drizzle offers some amazing strategies . Whats your Favourite? Mines Politoad!

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Hey my Poke Peeps! Ghost Pokemon being able to possess people has always been a feature but Ghost possessing inanimate objects was a first with the Rotoms which is your favourite?

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Hey my Poke Peeps! Starter Pokemon are often the biggest decision made in a Pokemon Game, whats your favourite Generation 1 Starter? Mines Venasaur!

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Hey my Poke Peeps! Fairy type Pokemon aren't that common being the most recent addition. My favourite is Tapu Koko! Whats yours?

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Hey my Poke Peeps! Ground Pokemon are one of my favourite Pokemon classifications, whats your favourite? Mines Landorus

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Hey my Poke Peeps! Steel types have some of the best defences. Whats your favourite Steel type Pokemon? Mines Metagross!

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