this piece is called Sukari. it’s inspired by my late Aunt Elaine who contracted polio at the age of 7 but never let it slow her down.

13 23

It's weird you know. I know about Three Kingdoms history so playing Total War 3 Kingdoms was really fun. I tried Warhammer 1&2, Rome 2, Atilla, Napolion, and Empire...I'm like what's going on? XD

1 7

[ Live2D physics test ]

Comission by :
Live2D Rig by : me 😁

Still thinking about portpolio format that I'll upload forward and so on in twitter....

4 16

Collecting is my new hobby!
Found this 1/1 matching Red Napolio bro on the floor.
Need moar!!!

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eu... eu quase fui pego por um spolio de one piece

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出場選手 ティズ



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出場選手 さけまる


1 8

出場選手 LFPM


1 6

New Emoticon set portopolio for update my gig on Fiverr ☺️

4 18

Este es el dibujo que me an pedido hacer hoy. el “rey del Monopolio” XD

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A Dove Has Spread Her Wings and Asks For Peace, 1982,

a self taught lived her entire life in the region. She attended school for only 4 years, suffering from polio which left her physically impaired.

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¡¡Viva el monopolio!!

21 360

Hoping to actually start making a webcomic this year!

Meet Keandra Williams aka "Pinky" or Kea!
She's 20 with Vitiligo and Poliosis (She dyes her hair often to hide it but it doesn't really work fully)

4 14

gay bird-
colorings gonna be a bit because uh i decided to do a level of genshin detailed clothing please wish me good luck LMAO

eric does have poliosis which im still working on!
his eyelashes will be somewhat white too

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Qué pena que Planet Apolion no prosperara, porque hice unos diseños preciosos.

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Si la producción de carne estuviera en manos de un oligopolio como la electricidad, imaginad el precio que llegaría a alcanzar.

6 16

Einer der Gründe, weshalb wir Covid19 intuitiv harmloser einschätzen ist, weil die Folgen des Poliovirus sichtbarer waren. [4/4]

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eu tenho depressão, ansiedade, pânico, pressão alta, pressão baixa, hpv, hiv, dengue, zika, chicungunha, peste negra, poliomielite, covid, osteoporose, gripe suína, febre amarela, meningite, gonorreia, herpes, faringite, doença de chagas, bronquite, leptospirose

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